Thanks for this!

Meeting notes linked to people notes are very powerful! I use it frequently, included with a summary property in each meeting displayed in the person note. It makes for a quick overview and reminder.

How do you utilise the to-process tag? Is it combined with general task management somehow or a thing in itself?

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Great! Do you use a dataview query in the file of the contact person to retrieve the summaries?

Using the Todo plugin I have a simple query on my Daily Notes Page for "unprocessed" notes and every few days try to clean up that list. Its not really a task management system, but a soft reminder to return to my notes. I by the way do this for every note I create, as I think the returning after a few days is helpful.

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I do! Dataview is saving me so much time and energy.

Simple is often the way to go. Sounds like a nice workflow and the gentle reminders to revisit can be quite in aiding reflections. I think I'll back a little extra revisiting nudge in my dailies (have in weekly notes atm, but it's a little too vague perhabs).

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